Just In Time (JIT)
JIT was invented by Taiichi Ohno of Toyota post-World War II, and later this technique spread in the United States between 1970 and 1980. Reducing manufacturing waste to produce the exact product part in the exact quantity, at the exact place and time, is known as Just-in-Time (JIT). Basically, it’s an inventory control system that controls everything from material purchase to unit production to meet actual customer demand at the right time.

Aim of JIT:
01. Perfect quality of the product.
02. Produce only the products the customer demands.
03. Minimize the lead time.
04. No waste of people, material, or equipment, which leads to zero idle inventory.
05. Improve methods that allow for the development of people’s skills.
Difference Between JIT and TS (Traditional System):

Merits of JIT:
JIT reduces inventory, downtime, scrap, and rework of the product, as well as workspace in the production line. Moreover, it increases the proper utilization of labor and equipment. More importantly, it improves the quality of the product, leading to better service to customers.